/*** * Author: Erwin Yusrizal * UX by: Tai Nguyen * Contributors: James West <> * JP Adams <> * James Warwood <> * Craig Roberts <> * Created On: 27/02/2013 * Version: 2.1.0 * Issue, Feature & Bug Support: ***/ ;(function($, window, document, undefined) {


var _globalWalkthrough = {}, _elements = [], _activeWalkthrough, _activeId, _hasDefault = true, _counter = 0, _isCookieLoad, _firstTimeLoad = true, _onLoad = true, _index = 0, _id = 0, // Counter for default walkthrough IDs _isWalkthroughActive = true, $jpwOverlay = $('<div id="jpwOverlay"></div>'), $jpWalkthrough = $('<div id="jpWalkthrough"></div>'), $jpwTooltip = $('<div id="jpwTooltip"></div>');


var methods = { isActive: function() { return !!_isWalkthroughActive; }, currIndex: function() { return _index; }, //init method init: function(options) { var options = $.extend(true, {}, $.fn.pagewalkthrough.defaults, options); var that = this; if (! { throw new Error('Must provide a unique name for a tour'); } return this.each(function(i) { var $this = $(this); options = options || {}; options.elementID =; _globalWalkthrough[] = options; _elements.push(; //check if onLoad and this is first time load if (options.onLoad) { _counter++; } //get first onload = true if (_counter == 1 && _onLoad) { _activeId =; _activeWalkthrough = _globalWalkthrough[_activeId]; _onLoad = false; }

set the activeWalkthrough if onLoad is false for all walkthroughs

if ((i + 1 === that.length && _counter == 0)) { _activeId =; _activeWalkthrough = _globalWalkthrough[_elements[0]]; _hasDefault = false; }

when user scroll the page, scroll it back to keep walkthrough on user view

$(window).scroll(function() { if (_isWalkthroughActive && _activeWalkthrough.steps[_index].lockScrolling) { clearTimeout($.data(this, 'scrollTimer')); $.data(this, 'scrollTimer', setTimeout(function() { scrollToTarget(_activeWalkthrough); }, 250)); } return false; }); }); }, renderOverlay: function() { //if each walkthrough has onLoad = true, throw warning message to the console if (_counter > 1) { debug('Warning: Only first walkthrough will be shown onLoad as default'); } //get cookie load _isCookieLoad = getCookie('_walkthrough-' + _activeId); //check if first time walkthrough if (_isCookieLoad == undefined) { _isWalkthroughActive = true; buildWalkthrough(); showButton('jpwClose', 'body'); scrollToTarget(); setTimeout(function() { //call onAfterShow callback if (isFirstStep() && _firstTimeLoad) { if (!onAfterShow()) return; } }, 100); } else { //check when user used to close the walkthrough to call the onCookieLoad callback onCookieLoad(_globalWalkthrough); } }, restart: function(e) { if (isFirstStep()) return; _index = 0; if (!(onRestart(e))) return; if (!(onEnter(e))) return; buildWalkthrough(); scrollToTarget(); }, close: function(target) { _index = 0; _firstTimeLoad = true; _isWalkthroughActive = false; if (target) { //set cookie to false setCookie('_walkthrough-' + target, 0, 365); _isCookieLoad = getCookie('_walkthrough-' + target); } else { //set cookie to false setCookie('_walkthrough-' + _activeId, 0, 365); _isCookieLoad = getCookie('_walkthrough-' + _activeId); } $jpwOverlay.fadeOut('slow', function() { $(this).remove(); }); $jpWalkthrough.fadeOut('slow', function() { $(this).html('').remove(); }); $('#jpwClose').fadeOut('slow', function() { $(this).remove(); }); }, show: function(target) { _isWalkthroughActive = true; _firstTimeLoad = true;

FIXME which walkthrough to show - the below is a hotfix to get the plugin actually working

_activeId = target || _activeId; _activeWalkthrough = _globalWalkthrough[_activeId]; buildWalkthrough(); showButton('jpwClose', 'body'); scrollToTarget(); //call onAfterShow callback if (isFirstStep() && _firstTimeLoad) { if (!onAfterShow()) return; } }, next: function(e) { _firstTimeLoad = false; if (isLastStep()) return; if (!onLeave(e)) return; _index = parseInt(_index) + 1; if (!onEnter(e)) return; buildWalkthrough(); scrollToTarget(); }, prev: function(e) { if (isFirstStep()) return; if (!onLeave(e)) return; _index = parseInt(_index) - 1; if (!onEnter(e)) return; buildWalkthrough(); scrollToTarget(); }, getOptions: function(activeWalkthrough) { var _wtObj; //get only current active walkthrough if (activeWalkthrough) { _wtObj = {}; _wtObj = _activeWalkthrough; //get all walkthrough } else { _wtObj = []; for (var wt in _globalWalkthrough) { _wtObj.push(_globalWalkthrough[wt]); } } return _wtObj; } }; //end public method


function buildWalkthrough() { var options = _activeWalkthrough; //call onBeforeShow callback if (isFirstStep() && _firstTimeLoad) { if (!onBeforeShow()) return; }

Extend step options with defaults

options.steps[_index] = $.extend( true, {}, $.fn.pagewalkthrough.defaults.steps[0], options.steps[_index] ); if (options.steps[_index].popup.type != 'modal' && options.steps[_index].popup.type != 'nohighlight') { $jpWalkthrough.html(''); //check if wrapper is not empty or undefined if (options.steps[_index].wrapper == '' || options.steps[_index].wrapper == undefined) { alert('Your walkthrough position is: "' + options.steps[_index].popup.type + '" but wrapper is empty or undefined. Please check your "' + _activeId + '" wrapper parameter.'); return; } var topOffset = cleanValue($(options.steps[_index].wrapper).offset().top); var leftOffset = cleanValue($(options.steps[_index].wrapper).offset().left); var transparentWidth = cleanValue($(options.steps[_index].wrapper).innerWidth()) || cleanValue($(options.steps[_index].wrapper).width()); var transparentHeight = cleanValue($(options.steps[_index].wrapper).innerHeight()) || cleanValue($(options.steps[_index].wrapper).height()); //get all margin and make it gorgeous with the 'px', if it has no px, IE will get angry !! var marginTop = cssSyntax(options.steps[_index].margin, 'top'), marginRight = cssSyntax(options.steps[_index].margin, 'right'), marginBottom = cssSyntax(options.steps[_index].margin, 'bottom'), marginLeft = cssSyntax(options.steps[_index].margin, 'left'), roundedCorner = 30, overlayClass = '', killOverlay = ''; var overlayTopStyle = { 'height': cleanValue(parseInt(topOffset) - (parseInt(marginTop) + (roundedCorner))) } var overlayLeftStyle = { 'top': overlayTopStyle.height, 'width': cleanValue(parseInt(leftOffset) - (parseInt(marginLeft) + roundedCorner)), 'height': cleanValue(parseInt(transparentHeight) + (roundedCorner * 2) + parseInt(marginTop) + parseInt(marginBottom)) } //check if use overlay if (options.steps[_index].overlay == undefined || options.steps[_index].overlay) { overlayClass = 'overlay'; } else { overlayClass = 'noOverlay'; killOverlay = 'killOverlay'; } var overlayTop = $('<div id="overlayTop" class="' + overlayClass + '"></div>').css(overlayTopStyle).appendTo($jpWalkthrough); var overlayLeft = $('<div id="overlayLeft" class="' + overlayClass + '"></div>').css(overlayLeftStyle).appendTo($jpWalkthrough); if (!options.steps[_index].accessible) { var highlightedAreaStyle = { 'top': overlayTopStyle.height, 'left': overlayLeftStyle.width, 'topCenter': { 'width': cleanValue(parseInt(transparentWidth) + parseInt(marginLeft) + parseInt(marginRight)) }, 'middleLeft': { 'height': cleanValue(parseInt(transparentHeight) + parseInt(marginTop) + parseInt(marginBottom)) }, 'middleCenter': { 'width': cleanValue(parseInt(transparentWidth) + parseInt(marginLeft) + parseInt(marginRight)), 'height': cleanValue(parseInt(transparentHeight) + parseInt(marginTop) + parseInt(marginBottom)) }, 'middleRight': { 'height': cleanValue(parseInt(transparentHeight) + parseInt(marginTop) + parseInt(marginBottom)) }, 'bottomCenter': { 'width': cleanValue(parseInt(transparentWidth) + parseInt(marginLeft) + parseInt(marginRight)) } } var highlightedArea = $('<div id="highlightedArea"></div>').css(highlightedAreaStyle).appendTo($jpWalkthrough); highlightedArea.html('<div>' + '<div id="topLeft" class="' + killOverlay + '"></div>' + '<div id="topCenter" class="' + killOverlay + '" style="width:' + highlightedAreaStyle.topCenter.width + ';"></div>' + '<div id="topRight" class="' + killOverlay + '"></div>' + '</div>' + '<div style="clear: left;">' + '<div id="middleLeft" class="' + killOverlay + '" style="height:' + highlightedAreaStyle.middleLeft.height + ';"></div>' + '<div id="middleCenter" class="' + killOverlay + '" style="width:' + highlightedAreaStyle.middleCenter.width + ';height:' + highlightedAreaStyle.middleCenter.height + '">&nbsp;</div>' + '<div id="middleRight" class="' + killOverlay + '" style="height:' + highlightedAreaStyle.middleRight.height + ';"></div>' + '</div>' + '<div style="clear: left;">' + '<div id="bottomLeft" class="' + killOverlay + '"></div>' + '<div id="bottomCenter" class="' + killOverlay + '" style="width:' + highlightedAreaStyle.bottomCenter.width + ';"></div>' + '<div id="bottomRight" class="' + killOverlay + '"></div>' + '</div>'); } else { //if accessible var highlightedAreaStyle = { 'top': overlayTopStyle.height, 'left': overlayLeftStyle.width, 'topCenter': { 'width': cleanValue(parseInt(transparentWidth) + parseInt(marginLeft) + parseInt(marginRight)) } } var accessibleStyle = { 'topAccessible': { 'position': 'absolute', 'top': overlayTopStyle.height, 'left': overlayLeftStyle.width, 'topCenter': { 'width': cleanValue(parseInt(transparentWidth) + parseInt(marginLeft) + parseInt(marginRight)) } }, 'middleAccessible': { 'position': 'absolute', 'top': cleanValue(parseInt(overlayTopStyle.height) + roundedCorner), 'left': overlayLeftStyle.width, 'middleLeft': { 'height': cleanValue(parseInt(transparentHeight) + parseInt(marginTop) + parseInt(marginBottom)) }, 'middleRight': { 'height': cleanValue(parseInt(transparentHeight) + parseInt(marginTop) + parseInt(marginBottom)), 'right': cleanValue(parseInt(transparentWidth) + roundedCorner + parseInt(marginRight) + parseInt(marginLeft)) } }, 'bottomAccessible': { 'left': overlayLeftStyle.width, 'top': cleanValue(parseInt(overlayTopStyle.height) + roundedCorner + parseInt(transparentHeight) + parseInt(marginTop) + parseInt(marginBottom)), 'bottomCenter': { 'width': cleanValue(parseInt(transparentWidth) + parseInt(marginLeft) + parseInt(marginRight)) } } } var highlightedArea = $('<div id="topAccessible" style="position:' + accessibleStyle.topAccessible.position + '; top:' + + ';left:' + accessibleStyle.topAccessible.left + '">' + '<div id="topLeft" class="' + killOverlay + '"></div>' + '<div id="topCenter" class="' + killOverlay + '" style="width:' + accessibleStyle.topAccessible.topCenter.width + '"></div>' + '<div id="topRight" class="' + killOverlay + '"></div>' + '</div>' + '<div id="middleAccessible" class="' + killOverlay + '" style="clear: left;position:' + accessibleStyle.middleAccessible.position + '; top:' + + ';left:' + accessibleStyle.middleAccessible.left + ';">' + '<div id="middleLeft" class="' + killOverlay + '" style="height:' + accessibleStyle.middleAccessible.middleLeft.height + ';"></div>' + '<div id="middleRight" class="' + killOverlay + '" style="position:absolute;right:-' + accessibleStyle.middleAccessible.middleRight.right + ';height:' + accessibleStyle.middleAccessible.middleRight.height + ';"></div>' + '</div>' + '<div id="bottomAccessible" style="clear: left;position:absolute;left:' + accessibleStyle.bottomAccessible.left + ';top:' + + ';">' + '<div id="bottomLeft" class="' + killOverlay + '"></div>' + '<div id="bottomCenter" class="' + killOverlay + '" style="width:' + accessibleStyle.bottomAccessible.bottomCenter.width + ';"></div>' + '<div id="bottomRight" class="' + killOverlay + '"></div>' + '</div>').appendTo($jpWalkthrough); } //end checking accessible var highlightedAreaWidth = (options.steps[_index].accessible) ? parseInt(accessibleStyle.topAccessible.topCenter.width) + (roundedCorner * 2) : (parseInt(highlightedAreaStyle.topCenter.width) + (roundedCorner * 2)); var overlayRightStyle = { 'left': cleanValue(parseInt(overlayLeftStyle.width) + highlightedAreaWidth), 'height': overlayLeftStyle.height, 'top':, 'width': cleanValue(windowWidth() - (parseInt(overlayLeftStyle.width) + highlightedAreaWidth)) } var overlayRight = $('<div id="overlayRight" class="' + overlayClass + '"></div>').css(overlayRightStyle).appendTo($jpWalkthrough); var overlayBottomStyle = { 'height': cleanValue($(document).height() - (parseInt(overlayTopStyle.height) + parseInt(overlayLeftStyle.height))), 'top': cleanValue(parseInt(overlayTopStyle.height) + parseInt(overlayLeftStyle.height)) } var overlayBottom = $('<div id="overlayBottom" class="' + overlayClass + '"></div>').css(overlayBottomStyle).appendTo($jpWalkthrough); if ($('#jpWalkthrough').length) { $('#jpWalkthrough').remove(); } $jpWalkthrough.appendTo('body').show(); if (options.steps[_index].accessible) { showTooltip(true); } else { showTooltip(false); } } else if (options.steps[_index].popup.type == 'modal') { if ($('#jpWalkthrough').length) { $('#jpWalkthrough').remove(); } if (options.steps[_index].overlay == undefined || options.steps[_index].overlay) { showModal(true); } else { showModal(false); } } else { if ($('#jpWalkthrough').length) { $('#jpWalkthrough').remove(); } if (options.steps[_index].overlay == undefined || options.steps[_index].overlay) { noHighlight(true); } else { noHighlight(false); } } showButton('jpwPrevious'); showButton('jpwNext'); showButton('jpwFinish'); }


function showModal(isOverlay) { var options = _activeWalkthrough, overlayClass = '', content; if (isOverlay) { $jpwOverlay.appendTo('body').show(); } else { if ($('#jpwOverlay').length) { $('#jpwOverlay').remove(); } } var textRotation = setRotation(parseInt(options.steps[_index].popup.contentRotation)); $jpwTooltip.css({ 'position': 'absolute', 'left': '50%', 'top': '20%', 'margin-left': -(parseInt(options.steps[_index].popup.width) + 60) / 2 + 'px', 'z-index': '9999' }); var tooltipSlide = $('<div id="tooltipTop">' + '<div id="topLeft"></div>' + '<div id="topRight"></div>' + '</div>' + '<div id="tooltipInner">' + '</div>' + '<div id="tooltipBottom">' + '<div id="bottomLeft"></div>' + '<div id="bottomRight"></div>' + '</div>'); $jpWalkthrough.html(''); $jpwTooltip.html('').append(tooltipSlide) .wrapInner('<div id="tooltipWrapper" style="width:' + cleanValue(parseInt(options.steps[_index].popup.width) + 30) + '"></div>') .append('<div id="bottom-scratch"></div>') .appendTo($jpWalkthrough); $jpWalkthrough.appendTo('body'); $('#tooltipWrapper').css(textRotation); $('#tooltipInner').append(getContent(options.steps[_index])).show(); $jpwTooltip.css('margin-top', -(($jpwTooltip.height()) / 2) + 'px'); $; }


function showTooltip(isAccessible) { var opt = _activeWalkthrough; var tooltipWidth = (opt.steps[_index].popup.width == '') ? 300 : opt.steps[_index].popup.width, top, left, arrowTop, arrowLeft, roundedCorner = 30, overlayHoleWidth = (isAccessible) ? ($('#topAccessible').innerWidth() + (roundedCorner * 2)) || ($('#topAccessible').width() + (roundedCorner * 2)) : $('#highlightedArea').innerWidth() || $('#highlightedArea').width(), overlayHoleHeight = (isAccessible) ? $('#middleAccessible').innerHeight() + (roundedCorner * 2) || $('#middleAccessible').height() + (roundedCorner * 2) : $('#highlightedArea').innerHeight() || $('#highlightedArea').height(), overlayHoleTop = (isAccessible) ? $('#topAccessible').offset().top : $('#highlightedArea').offset().top, overlayHoleLeft = (isAccessible) ? $('#topAccessible').offset().left : $('#highlightedArea').offset().left, arrow = 30, draggable = ''; var textRotation = (opt.steps[_index].popup.contentRotation == undefined || parseInt(opt.steps[_index].popup.contentRotation) == 0) ? clearRotation() : setRotation(parseInt(opt.steps[_index].popup.contentRotation)); //delete jwOverlay if any if ($('#jpwOverlay').length) { $('#jpwOverlay').remove(); } var tooltipSlide = $('<div id="tooltipTop">' + '<div id="topLeft"></div>' + '<div id="topRight"></div>' + '</div>' + '<div id="tooltipInner">' + '</div>' + '<div id="tooltipBottom">' + '<div id="bottomLeft"></div>' + '<div id="bottomRight"></div>' + '</div>'); $jpwTooltip.html('').css({ 'margin-left': '0', 'margin-top': '0', 'position': 'absolute', 'z-index': '9999' }) .append(tooltipSlide) .wrapInner('<div id="tooltipWrapper" style="width:' + cleanValue(parseInt(opt.steps[_index].popup.width) + 30) + '"></div>') .appendTo($jpWalkthrough); if (opt.steps[_index].popup.draggable) { $jpwTooltip.append('<div id="drag-area" class="draggable-area"></div>'); } $jpWalkthrough.appendTo('body').show(); $('#tooltipWrapper').css(textRotation); $('#tooltipInner').append(getContent(opt.steps[_index])).show(); $jpwTooltip.append('<span class="' + opt.steps[_index].popup.position + '">&nbsp;</span>'); switch (opt.steps[_index].popup.position) { case 'top': top = overlayHoleTop - ($jpwTooltip.height() + (arrow / 2)) + parseInt(opt.steps[_index].popup.offsetVertical) - 86; if (isAccessible) { left = (overlayHoleLeft + (overlayHoleWidth / 2)) - ($jpwTooltip.width() / 2) - 40 + parseInt(opt.steps[_index].popup.offsetHorizontal); } else { left = (overlayHoleLeft + (overlayHoleWidth / 2)) - ($jpwTooltip.width() / 2) - 5 + parseInt(opt.steps[_index].popup.offsetHorizontal); } arrowLeft = ($jpwTooltip.width() / 2) - arrow; arrowTop = ''; break; case 'right': top = overlayHoleTop - (arrow / 2) + parseInt(opt.steps[_index].popup.offsetVertical); left = overlayHoleLeft + overlayHoleWidth + (arrow / 2) + parseInt(opt.steps[_index].popup.offsetHorizontal) + 105; arrowTop = arrow; arrowLeft = ''; break; case 'bottom': if (isAccessible) { top = (overlayHoleTop + overlayHoleHeight) + parseInt(opt.steps[_index].popup.offsetVertical) + 86; left = (overlayHoleLeft + (overlayHoleWidth / 2)) - ($jpwTooltip.width() / 2) - 40 + parseInt(opt.steps[_index].popup.offsetHorizontal); } else { top = overlayHoleTop + overlayHoleHeight + parseInt(opt.steps[_index].popup.offsetVertical) + 86; left = (overlayHoleLeft + (overlayHoleWidth / 2)) - ($jpwTooltip.width() / 2) - 5 + parseInt(opt.steps[_index].popup.offsetHorizontal); } arrowLeft = ($jpwTooltip.width() / 2) - arrow; arrowTop = ''; break; case 'left': top = overlayHoleTop - (arrow / 2) + parseInt(opt.steps[_index].popup.offsetVertical); left = overlayHoleLeft - $jpwTooltip.width() - (arrow) + parseInt(opt.steps[_index].popup.offsetHorizontal) - 105; arrowTop = arrow; arrowLeft = ''; break; } $('#jpwTooltip span.' + opt.steps[_index].popup.position).css({ 'left': cleanValue(arrowLeft) }); $jpwTooltip.css({ 'top': cleanValue(top), 'left': cleanValue(left) }); $; }

Get the content for a step. First attempts to treat step.popup.content as a selector. If this fails, or returns an empty result set, it falls back to return the value of step.popup.content.

This allows both selectors and literal content to be provided in the content option.


  • step must be an Object.
    (The step data to return the content for)
function getContent(step) { var option = step.popup.content, content; try { content = $('body').find(option).html(); } catch(e) { } return content || option; }


function noHighlight(isOverlay) { var opt = _activeWalkthrough, overlayClass = ''; var wrapperTop = $(opt.steps[_index].wrapper).offset().top, wrapperLeft = $(opt.steps[_index].wrapper).offset().left, wrapperWidth = $(opt.steps[_index].wrapper).width(), wrapperHeight = $(opt.steps[_index].wrapper).height(), arrow = 30, draggable = '', top, left, arrowTop, arrowLeft; if (isOverlay) { $jpwOverlay.appendTo('body').show(); } else { if ($('#jpwOverlay').length) { $('#jpwOverlay').remove(); } } $jpwTooltip.css(clearRotation()); var textRotation = (opt.steps[_index].popup.contentRotation == 'undefined' || opt.steps[_index].popup.contentRotation == 0) ? '' : setRotation(parseInt(opt.steps[_index].popup.contentRotation)); $jpwTooltip.css({ 'position': 'absolute', 'margin-left': '0px', 'margin-top': '0px', 'z-index': '9999' }); var tooltipSlide = $('<div id="tooltipTop">' + '<div id="topLeft"></div>' + '<div id="topRight"></div>' + '</div>' + '<div id="tooltipInner">' + '</div>' + '<div id="tooltipBottom">' + '<div id="bottomLeft"></div>' + '<div id="bottomRight"></div>' + '</div>'); $jpWalkthrough.html(''); $jpwTooltip.html('').append(tooltipSlide) .wrapInner('<div id="tooltipWrapper" style="width:' + cleanValue(parseInt(opt.steps[_index].popup.width) + 30) + '"></div>') .appendTo($jpWalkthrough); if (opt.steps[_index].popup.draggable) { $jpwTooltip.append('<div id="drag-area" class="draggable-area"></div>'); } $jpWalkthrough.appendTo('body'); $('#tooltipWrapper').css(textRotation); $(opt.steps[_index].popup.content).clone().appendTo('#tooltipInner').show(); $jpwTooltip.append('<span class="' + opt.steps[_index].popup.position + '">&nbsp;</span>'); switch (opt.steps[_index].popup.position) { case 'top': top = wrapperTop - ($jpwTooltip.height() + (arrow / 2)) + parseInt(opt.steps[_index].popup.offsetVertical) - 86; left = (wrapperLeft + (wrapperWidth / 2)) - ($jpwTooltip.width() / 2) - 5 + parseInt(opt.steps[_index].popup.offsetHorizontal); arrowLeft = ($jpwTooltip.width() / 2) - arrow; arrowTop = ''; break; case 'right': top = wrapperTop - (arrow / 2) + parseInt(opt.steps[_index].popup.offsetVertical); left = wrapperLeft + wrapperWidth + (arrow / 2) + parseInt(opt.steps[_index].popup.offsetHorizontal) + 105; arrowTop = arrow; arrowLeft = ''; break; case 'bottom': top = wrapperTop + wrapperHeight + parseInt(opt.steps[_index].popup.offsetVertical) + 86; left = (wrapperLeft + (wrapperWidth / 2)) - ($jpwTooltip.width() / 2) - 5 + parseInt(opt.steps[_index].popup.offsetHorizontal); arrowLeft = ($jpwTooltip.width() / 2) - arrow; arrowTop = ''; break; case 'left': top = wrapperTop - (arrow / 2) + parseInt(opt.steps[_index].popup.offsetVertical); left = wrapperLeft - $jpwTooltip.width() - (arrow) + parseInt(opt.steps[_index].popup.offsetHorizontal) - 105; arrowTop = arrow; arrowLeft = ''; break; } $('#jpwTooltip span.' + opt.steps[_index].popup.position).css({ 'left': cleanValue(arrowLeft) }); $jpwTooltip.css({ 'top': cleanValue(top), 'left': cleanValue(left) }); $; }


function scrollToTarget() { var options = _activeWalkthrough; if (options.steps[_index].autoScroll || options.steps[_index].autoScroll == undefined) { if (options.steps[_index].popup.position != 'modal') { var windowHeight = $(window).height() || $(window).innerHeight(), targetOffsetTop = $jpwTooltip.offset().top, targetHeight = $jpwTooltip.height() || $jpwTooltip.innerHeight(), overlayTop = $('#overlayTop').height(); $('html,body').animate({ scrollTop: (targetOffsetTop + (targetHeight / 2) - (windowHeight / 2)) }, options.steps[_index].scrollSpeed); } else { $('html,body').animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, options.steps[_index].scrollSpeed); } } }

Render a control button outside the #tooltipInner element.


  • id must be a String.
    (The button identifier within the options.buttons hash (e.g. 'jpwNext'))

  • appendTo can be a jQuery or a String.
    ((Optional) The element or selector to append the button to. Defaults to #tooltipWrapper)

function showButton(id, appendTo) { if ($('#' + id).length) return; var btn = _activeWalkthrough.buttons[id]; appendTo = appendTo || '#tooltipWrapper';

Check that button is defined

if (!btn) return;

Check that button should be shown

if ((typeof === 'function' && ! || ! { return; }

Append button

$(appendTo).append($('<a />', { id: id, html: btn.i18n })); }


//callback for onLoadHidden cookie function onCookieLoad(options) { for (i = 0; i < _elements.length; i++) { if (typeof(options[_elements[i]].onCookieLoad) === "function") { options[_elements[i]]; } } return false; } function onLeave(e) { var options = _activeWalkthrough; if (typeof options.steps[_index].onLeave === "function") { if (!options.steps[_index], e, _index)) { return false; } } return true; } //callback for onEnter step function onEnter(e) { var options = _activeWalkthrough; if (typeof options.steps[_index].onEnter === "function") { if (!options.steps[_index], e, _index)) { return false; } } return true; } //callback for onClose help function onClose() { var options = _activeWalkthrough; if (typeof options.onClose === "function") { if (! { return false; } } //set help mode to false //_isWalkthroughActive = false; methods.close(); return true; } //callback for onRestart help function onRestart(e) { var options = _activeWalkthrough; //set help mode to true _isWalkthroughActive = true; methods.restart(e); //auto scroll to target scrollToTarget(); if (typeof options.onRestart === "function") { if (! { return false; } } return true; } //callback for before all first walkthrough element loaded function onBeforeShow() { var options = _activeWalkthrough || {}; _index = 0; if (typeof(options.onBeforeShow) === "function") { if (! { return false; } } return true; } //callback for after all first walkthrough element loaded function onAfterShow() { var options = _activeWalkthrough; _index = 0; if (typeof(options.onAfterShow) === "function") { if (! { return false; } } return true; }


function windowWidth() { return $(window).innerWidth() || $(window).width(); } function debug(message) { if (window.console && window.console.log) window.console.log(message); } function clearRotation() { var rotationStyle = { '-webkit-transform': 'none', //safari '-moz-transform': 'none', //firefox '-ms-transform': 'none', //IE9+ '-o-transform': 'none', //opera 'filter': 'none', //IE7 '-ms-transform': 'none' //IE8 } return rotationStyle; } function setRotation(angle) { //for IE7 & IE8 var M11, M12, M21, M22, deg2rad, rad; //degree to radian deg2rad = Math.PI * 2 / 360; rad = angle * deg2rad; M11 = Math.cos(rad); M12 = Math.sin(rad); M21 = Math.sin(rad); M22 = Math.cos(rad); var rotationStyle = { '-webkit-transform': 'rotate(' + parseInt(angle) + 'deg)', //safari '-moz-transform': 'rotate(' + parseInt(angle) + 'deg)', //firefox '-ms-transform': 'rotate(' + parseInt(angle) + 'deg)', //IE9+ '-o-transform': 'rotate(' + parseInt(angle) + 'deg)', //opera 'filter': 'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix(M11 = ' + M11 + ',M12 = -' + M12 + ',M21 = ' + M21 + ',M22 = ' + M22 + ',sizingMethod = "auto expand");', //IE7 '-ms-transform': 'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix(M11 = ' + M11 + ',M12 = -' + M12 + ',M21 = ' + M21 + ',M22 = ' + M22 + ',SizingMethod = "auto expand");' //IE8 } return rotationStyle; } function cleanValue(value) { if (typeof value === "string") { if (value.toLowerCase().indexOf('px') == -1) { return value + 'px'; } else { return value; } } else { return value + 'px'; } } function cleanSyntax(val) { if (val.indexOf('px') != -1) { return true; } else if (parseInt(val) == 0) { return true; } return false; } function cssSyntax(val, position) { if (!val) val = '0px'; var value = val, arrVal = value.split(' '), counter = 0, top, right, bottom, left, returnVal; for (i = 0; i < arrVal.length; i++) { //check if syntax is clean with value and 'px' if (cleanSyntax(arrVal[i])) { counter++; } } //all syntax are clean if (counter == arrVal.length) { for (i = 0; i < arrVal.length; i++) { switch (i) { case 0: top = arrVal[i]; break; case 1: right = arrVal[i]; break; case 2: bottom = arrVal[i]; break; case 3: left = arrVal[i]; break; } } switch (arrVal.length) { case 1: right = bottom = left = top; break; case 2: bottom = top; left = right; break; case 3: left = right; break; } if (position == 'undefined' || position == '' || position == null) { console.log('Please define margin position (top, right, bottom, left)'); return false; } else { switch (position) { case 'top': returnVal = top; break; case 'right': returnVal = right; break; case 'bottom': returnVal = bottom; break; case 'left': returnVal = left; break; } } return returnVal; } else { console.log('Please check your margin syntax..'); return false; } } function setCookie(c_name, value, exdays) { var exdate = new Date(); exdate.setDate(exdate.getDate() + exdays); var c_value = escape(value) + ((exdays == null) ? "" : "; expires=" + exdate.toUTCString()); document.cookie = c_name + "=" + c_value; } function getCookie(c_name) { var i, x, y, ARRcookies = document.cookie.split(";"); for (i = 0; i < ARRcookies.length; i++) { x = ARRcookies[i].substr(0, ARRcookies[i].indexOf("=")); y = ARRcookies[i].substr(ARRcookies[i].indexOf("=") + 1); x = x.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ""); if (x == c_name) { return unescape(y); } } }

Returns true if the current step is the last step in the walkthrough.

Returns a Boolean
(true if user is currently viewing last step; false otherwise)

function isLastStep() { return _index == (_activeWalkthrough.steps.length - 1); }

Returns true if the current step is the first step in the walkthrough.

Returns a Boolean
(true if user is currently viewing first step; false otherwise)

function isFirstStep() { return _index === 0; }


Close and finish tour buttons clicks

$(document).on('click', '#jpwClose, #jpwFinish', onClose);

Next button clicks

$(document).on('click', '#jpwNext', function() { $.pagewalkthrough('next'); });

Previous button clicks

$(document).on('click', '#jpwPrevious', function() { $.pagewalkthrough('prev'); });


Patching for jquery 1.7+

$(document).on('mousedown', '#jpwTooltip #drag-area', function(e) { if (!$(this).hasClass('draggable-area')) { return; } if (!$(this).hasClass('draggable')) { $(this).addClass('draggable').css('cursor', 'move'); } var z_idx = $(this).css('z-index'), drg_h = $(this).outerHeight(), drg_w = $(this).outerWidth(), pos_y = $(this).offset().top + (drg_h * 2) - e.pageY - 10, pos_x = (e.pageX - $(this).offset().left + drg_w) - ($(this).parent().outerWidth() + drg_w) + 20; $(document).on("mousemove", function(e) { $('.draggable').parent().offset({ top: e.pageY + pos_y - drg_h, left: e.pageX + pos_x - drg_w }).on("mouseup", function() { $(this).children('#tooltipWrapper').removeClass('draggable').css({ 'z-index': z_idx, 'cursor': 'default' }); }); }); e.preventDefault(); //disable selection }); $(document).on('mouseup', '#jpwTooltip #drag-area', function() { $(this).removeClass('draggable').css('cursor', 'default'); });


$.pagewalkthrough = $.fn.pagewalkthrough = function(method) { if (methods[method]) { return methods[method].apply(this,, 1)); } else if (typeof method === 'object' || !method) { methods.init.apply(this, arguments);

render the overlay on it has a default walkthrough set to show onload

if (_hasDefault && _counter < 2) { setTimeout(function() { methods.renderOverlay(); }, 500); } } else { $.error('Method ' + method + ' does not exist on jQuery.pagewalkthrough'); } }


Default options for each walkthrough. User options extend these defaults.

$.fn.pagewalkthrough.defaults = {

Array of steps to show

steps: [ {

jQuery selector for the element to highlight for this step

wrapper: '',

Margin for highlighted element (use CSS syntax)

margin: 0,
popup: {

Selector for the element which contains the content, or the literal content

content: '',

Popup type - either modal, tooltip or nohighlight. See Popup Types

type: 'modal',

Position for tooltip and nohighlight style popups - either top, left, right or bottom

position: 'top',

Horizontal offset for the walkthrough

offsetHorizontal: 0,

Vertical offset for the walkthrough

offsetVertical: 0,

Default width for each popup

width: '320',

If true, user can drag tooltip and no highlight style popups around

draggable: false,

Amount in degrees to rotate the content by

contentRotation: 0 },

Whether the overlay should be shown or not

overlay: true,

Allow user interaction with highlighted content - e.g. allow typing in inputs

accessible: false,

Automatically scroll to the content for the step

autoScroll: true,

Speed to use when scrolling to elements

scrollSpeed: 1000,

Prevent the user from scrolling away from the content

lockScrolling: false,

Callback when entering the step

onEnter: null,

Callback when leaving the step

onLeave: null } ],

(Required) Walkthrough name. Should be a unique name to identify the walkthrough, as it will be used in the cookie name

name: null,

Automatically show the walkthrough when the page is loaded. If multiple walkthroughs set this to true, only the first walkthrough is shown automatically

onLoad: true,

Callback to be executed before the walkthrough is shown

onBeforeShow: null,

Callback executed after the walkthrough is shown

onAfterShow: null,

Callback executed in the event that 'restart' is triggered

onRestart: null,

Callback executed when the walkthrough is closed. The walkthrough can be closed by the user clicking the close button in the top right, or clicking the finish button on the last step

onClose: null,

Callback executed when cookie has been set after a walkthrough has been closed

onCookieLoad: null,
Walkthrough controls

Hash of buttons to show. Object keys are used as the button element's ID.

buttons: {

ID of the button

jpwClose: {

Translation string for the button

i18n: 'Click here to close',

Whether or not to show the button. Can be a boolean value, or a function which returns a boolean value

show: true }, jpwNext: { i18n: 'Next &rarr;',

Function which resolves to a boolean

show: function() { return !isLastStep(); } }, jpwPrevious: { i18n: '&larr; Previous', show: function() { return !isFirstStep(); } }, jpwFinish: { i18n: 'Finish &#10004;', show: function() { return isLastStep(); } } } }; }(jQuery, window, document));